Managing Psoriasis (for Runners)
Let’s take a look at how psoriasis is affected by exercise, and how you can get maximum benefit without causing yourself pain and risking flare-ups.
Let’s take a look at how psoriasis is affected by exercise, and how you can get maximum benefit without causing yourself pain and risking flare-ups.
This is the third post in a weekly series chronicling my journey from being completely out of shape post-partum to running my first 50km ultramarathon. For week 1, click here. Follow my journey on Twitter and Instagram with hashtag #zeroto50k It’s 9:30 on a Sunday night and I almost forgot to write this update! My bad.…
When I took up running a few years ago it was to run a relay with my family. The race was a trail run in the Canadian Rockies in the fall, and my leg of it was 12k. I trained my ass off. I went from haven’t-run-since-high-school to running everyday. I didn’t want to let everyone…
I have something exciting to share with you today! I’ve been researching and writing for months and I’m finally ready to share my masterpiece with you: a FREE ebook all about the special skincare needs of runners and other athletes!
This is the second post in a weekly series chronicling my journey from being completely out of shape post-partum to running my first 50km ultramarathon. For week 1, click here. Follow my journey on Twitter and Instagram with hashtag #zeroto50k Well, that was a hell of a week. Starting off with a depressing election and unexpected…
This is the first post in a weekly series chronicling my journey from being completely out of shape post-partum to running my first 50km ultramarathon. Follow my journey on Twitter and Instagram with hashtag #zeroto50k Last week, registration opened for the Grizzly Mountain Events Canmore Ultramarathon in October 2017. I did this run as a…
My husband started before I did. Suddenly he wanted to take the kids on walks all the time. Fantastic! I was way on board. But he kept “needing” to direct our walks onto odd, winding routes, past churches and monuments and plaques. He rarely looked up from his phone, stopped erratically, and wandered off while the…
Running obviously has several health benefits. But like any sport, it can be hard on your body if you don’t put as much effort into recovery and self-care as you do into training. This is a big topic, but I’m going to stick specifically with how running can affect your skin (both positively and negatively)…
I get it. It’s cold. Really, I do. I live in Canada..northern Canada. That doesn’t mean I’m immune to the cold; it just means I’ve learned to accept the cold and get on with things. (in theory anyway..)
We all know that running starts off so hard as to feel impossible, but gets better and easier and more rewarding with persistence. Since I started running serious distance, I’ve even had a few periods where I went months without running (while still staying active in other ways) and it was still reasonably easy to…